Welkait's Rightful Place in the Amhara Region
The Amhara people have been suffering from crimes against humanity, genocide, and ethnic cleansing for the past 50 years. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) has been the perpetrator of these atrocities against the Amhara people, resulting in the displacement of over a million people from the region. Welkait, historical land of the Amhara people, was annexed by the TPLF during its rule in Ethiopia, despite its cultural and historical ties to the Amhara region.Welkait’s Rightful Place is, in the Amhara Region.
The TPLF’s ethnic-based rule has led to a series of ethnic cleansing campaigns against the Amhara people, resulting in the displacement of over a million people from the region. The Amhara people faced unrelenting genocide on a daily basis, leading to a political awakening among the Amhara population. The Oromumma apartheid system, awakened Amharas through their unbridled barbaric violence.
Cleansing and Genocide
The TPLF denied the budget, stonewalled utility service requests, and used Welkait as a bargaining chip for dollars. The conflict in the region never stopped because Kefage was active throughout the TPLF’s rule. The TPLF’s forceful retirement of Amharas still needs to be corrected.
The Amhara people have been demanding the return of their land, including Welkait, Raya, Dera, and Metekel, to the Amhara region. Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, is also claimed by the Amhara people due to its historical ties to the region. The Amhara region has become the headquarters of the world’s largest internally displaced people, with over a million people leaving their places of residence from Wollega, Addis, and Benishangul.
The Need for Fundamental Change
It is time for the international community to give justice to the Amhara people for the atrocities committed against them. The TPLF’s rule has left deep scars on the Amhara people, and it is important to address these grievances and bring lasting peace to the region. The government should be transparent and accountable for lost lives, war damage, and reconstruction.
The Amhara people will not forget or forgive the TPLF, and no amount of secret negotiations and Western backing can stop them from seeking justice. The international community must step up and support the Amhara people in their quest for justice. A fundamental change is needed to address the grievances of the Amhara people and bring lasting peace to the region.
Many scholars have proposed a constitutional amendment to solve the problem of ethnic-based rule in Ethiopia and unshackle the country from the ethnic apartheid system. This is a step in the right direction, but it is not enough. The international community must hold the TPLF accountable for its crimes against the Amhara people and ensure that justice is served.
In conclusion, the Amhara people have suffered for far too long. It is time for the international community to give justice to the Amhara people for the crimes committed against them. The TPLF’s rule has left deep scars on the Amhara people, and it is important to address these grievances and bring lasting peace to the region. The international community must support the Amhara people in their quest for justice and hold the TPLF accountable for its crimes against humanity, genocide, and ethnic cleansing. A fundamental change is needed to address the grievances of the Amhara people and bring lasting peace to the region.
Learn More
Exploring the Historical, Cultural, and Demographic Connections between Welkait and the Amhara Region