Save Amhara Kids
In September 2024 As millions of children across Ethiopia prepare to start a new academic year, the situation for Amhara children since 2020 paints a drastically different and heartbreaking picture. Over 600,000 Amhara children have been displaced, suffering from the Ethiopian government’s systematic war crimes and genocidal attacks targeting our communities. As a result, many Amhara children have been deprived of their right to education and a stable life.
Since the beginning of the conflict in 2020, countless schools in the Amhara region have been destroyed or repurposed as shelters for internally displaced persons (IDPs). Thousands of children have been killed or injured, with their educators facing a similar fate. The Ethiopian government’s deliberate destruction of Amhara’s educational infrastructure has shattered the prospects of an entire generation. All schools and educational facilities in many affected areas have remained closed since the escalation of violence. As a result, more than half a million school-aged children have lost out on multiple academic years, with no end in sight. Children are forced to be displaced from their homes, living in IDP camps or seeking refuge with relatives, further exacerbating their suffering.